Service Alerts

MDW #2235 will not operate
MDW train #2235 scheduled to depart Chicago Union Station at 5:10 pm will not operate due to a switch failure. Train #2237 will be the next train to accommodate passengers and make all stops from Mont Clare to Big Timber.
MDW Trains extensive delay
MDW inbound and outbound trains are back on the move and operating with extensive delays due to ongoing switch failure. Visit for the location of your train.
MWD Grand/ Cicero North Elevator Back in Service
The Grand/Cicero elevator is back in service.

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Station Details

Grand / Cicero
Ticket Vending Machine No Vending Machine. Purchase tickets on board or via the Ventra app.
Waiting Room Hours Shelter
Train Lines Milwaukee District West (MD-W)
Accessibility No
Station Address

1833 N. Cicero Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639

Connecting Services

CTA Route: 54, 65, 72, 73


Station Parking Yes
Station Zone 2
Parking Contact