Service Alerts

MDN Trains extensive delays
MDN inbound and outbound trains are back on the move and operating with extensive delays due to ongoing switch failure. Visit for the location of your train.
MDN #2139 will not operate
MDN #2139 scheduled to depart Chicago Union Station at 5:13 pm, will not operate due to switch problems. Train 2141 will be the next train to accommodate passengers and will make all stops to Fox Lake.
MDN train #2145 will not operate
MDN train #2145 scheduled to depart Chicago Union Station at 5:52 pm, will not operate due to ongoing switch failure. Train #2147 will be the next train to accommodate passengers to Fox Lake.

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Station Details

Fox Lake
Ticket Vending Machine Ticket vending machines available
Waiting Room Hours 4 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Train Lines Milwaukee District North (MD-N)
Accessibility Yes
Station Address

Nippersink Blvd. At Grand Ave.
Fox Lake, IL 60020

Connecting Services

Pace Routes: 570, 806

Station Parking Yes
Station Zone 4
Parking Contact

Fox Lake Village Hall 847-587-2151

Total Parking Lots 9
Permit or Daily Parking 378 Spaces
Permit Only Parking 62 Spaces
ADA Parking 9