Thank your CTA, Metra and Pace employees today

Publication Date
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Today, Chicago’s three regional transit agencies — the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Metra, and Pace Suburban Bus — celebrate Transit Driver Appreciation Day (TDAD) and invite everyone to say “Thank you!” to the essential transit workers who have kept the region moving throughout this unprecedented time. Further recognizing their valiant efforts, March 18, 2021 has also been declared “Transit Driver Appreciation Day in Chicago,” in an official proclamation issued by Chicago Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot.

The pandemic has challenged the region’s transit agencies like never before, but CTA, Metra and Pace operators, engineers, mechanics and other support personnel have stepped-up and persevered. Throughout the past year, these dedicated employees have demonstrated courage and professionalism, while working hard to provide a safe, reliable and healthy travel environment for essential workers and those needing to take essential trips.

“As the heartbeat of our city, the thousands of brave men and women working in public transit have played an invaluable role in helping our region respond to these unprecedented challenges,” said CTA President Dorval R. Carter, Jr. “Each and every day, these dedicated professionals have been on the front lines helping essential workers get to and from work and providing essential travel services to those needing to make necessary trips.”

“Throughout the pandemic, Metra has been helping essential workers get where they need to go – and it’s our essential workers, our professionals, who made that possible,” said Metra CEO/Executive Director Jim Derwinski. “They all deserve our thanks and praise – from those who operate our trains to those who maintain the system to those who provide support.”

“I have always been humbled by the work of our region’s transit operators, but the sacrifice and dedication I’ve witnessed over the last year has been awe-inspiring,” said Pace Executive Director Rocky Donahue. “Pace’s bus operators, and all transit employees, deserve our gratitude. They are truly heroes moving heroes.”

In celebration of Transit Driver Appreciation Day, transit riders are encouraged to share their support and gratitude any of the following ways:

•    Wave or provide an in-person greeting (socially distanced, of course),
•    Post a “shout-out” on social media channels using the hashtag #TDAD, or
•    Offer praise to a particular employee by submitting a commendation online or by calling the respective transit agency

Despite unprecedented losses in ridership, the three agencies continue to carry 500,000 customers each weekday

The region’s three transit agencies have kept service running throughout the pandemic, while placing the highest priority on providing the safest, healthiest environment for customers and employees. Every step and measure taken regarding day-to-day operations across the three transit systems has been in lock-step with guidance from local, state and federal health officials.

Among the steps taken to help protect transit workers during the pandemic include: providing personnel with personal protective equipment, implementing additional cleaning and disinfecting measures to already robust cleaning programs, as well as making adjustments to workspaces and common areas to encourage social distancing. The three agencies also have encouraged riders to follow CDC-recommended health and safety protocols of always wearing a mask while on transit, social distancing and washing/sanitizing of hands through a variety of means, including extensive system signage, social media and even giveaways of face masks and hand sanitizers.  

For more information about Transit Driver Appreciation Day 2021, visit the social media channels for CTA: (Twitter: @cta, Facebook: /thecta, Instagram: @chicagocta), Metra: (Twitter: @metra, Facebook: /metrarail, Instagram: @metrarail), and Pace: (Twitter: @pacesuburbanbus, Facebook: /pacebus).