Repairs to Oak Park Station completed

Publication Date
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
A $373,000 project repair to the masonry and related areas at the Oak Park Station on the Union Pacific West Line is now complete.
The masonry walls at the station were deteriorated and remedial repairs were required to prevent more extensive and more costly damage.
The project included demolition and reconstruction of some of the masonry walls and piers; the installation of a new damage-resistant stone base at the wall/platform interface; a partial resurfacing of the platform; the application of a protective treatment on the masonry surfaces; and repairs to damaged lights and associated conduit to improve lighting at the entrance to the station.
“We don’t typically do a ribbon-cutting for relatively minor projects like this, but that is not to say they are unimportant,” said Metra Executive Director/CEO Don Orseno. “In fact, they are extremely important. We are investing in the state of good repair for our system and we are making sure this station serves as a welcoming gateway to Metra and to the community of Oak Park for many years to come.”
The work was done by Path Construction of Arlington Heights. Their $583,800 contract included $373,000 for the Oak Park work and $210,800 for similar work at the Glencoe Station on the UP North Line. The Glencoe work is ongoing.
The Oak Park Station is used by about 1,100 people each weekday.