Metra Steps Up Rail Safety Enforcement

Publication Date
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Metra today announced plans to conduct more than 40 enforcement details at various railroad grade crossings throughout the six-county region it serves during Illinois Rail Safety Week, Sept. 13-19. Metra Police Officers will be on site to issue warnings and citations to any resident found illegally crossing the tracks when the gates are down.
In addition, Metra is hosting a series of safety blitzes at 20 commuter stations throughout the system at which Metra safety employees and volunteers will be on hand to distribute information to help promote rail safety awareness in the region and eliminate preventable injuries and deaths.
“Safety is our number one priority at Metra – and our commitment to safety influences everything we do,” said Metra Executive Director/CEO Don Orseno. “Next week, our goal is to reach as many of people as we can with messages about the importance of being safe at rail crossings and on railroad property.”
Last year, 79 people were injured or killed near rail crossings in Illinois, and 48 people were injured or killed in trespassing incidents. And, in the first half of 2015 alone, 60 people were injured or killed near rail crossings and 18 people were killed or injured in trespassing incidents.
“Each weekday, Metra operates more than 700 trains that put them close to pedestrians and automobiles,” Orseno said. “We urge people to look both ways and listen for bells and horns, always expect a train from either direction, and finally – be aware that trains cannot stop quickly. Never underestimate their speed and distance.”
As part of the campaign, Metra will also place external train banners with the slogan “See Tracks? Think Train!” on the outside of select rail cars (see photo on last page). The train banner campaign was made possible through a $20,000 grant from Operation Lifesaver, Inc. to help promote rail safety awareness in the region. Through our matching fund partner, Clear Channel Outdoor, digital signs will also be displayed at the Ogilvie Transportation Center in Chicago, as well as on digital billboards throughout the region.
Illinois Rail Safety Week is a statewide, coordinated effort from a variety of law enforcement agencies, railroads and other groups designed to eliminate injuries and fatalities that occur at highway-rail crossings or on railroad property. By taking a statewide, all-industry approach the effort aims to build on existing programs and initiatives, bring greater public attention to railroad safety issues, and reduce or eliminate injuries and or fatalities that occur at highway-rail crossings or on railroad property.
Metra has a long history of being extremely active in railroad safety education efforts. Operation Lifesaver is a railroad industry educational program that teaches train safety awareness. Metra has two Operation Lifesaver presenters who have provided nearly 1,000 safety blitzes and safety presentations each year that stress the message “Look, listen and live” for schools, driver education programs and various community organizations. For the past 10 years, Metra has also sponsored an annual Safety Poster and Essay contest designed to promote and reinforce railroad safety messages for children and help remind them to be safe around trains. This year’s contest will launch on Sept. 17.
For more information about Metra’s railroad safety efforts, please visit our website.