Metra begins work at Mayfair Station

Publication Date
Thursday, July 09, 2015
Metra this week began a project at the Mayfair Station on the Milwaukee North Line to replace and extend the platforms, replace the lighting and add two new shelters.
The $500,000 job is expected to take about three months to complete.
The platforms at Mayfair can now fit just three cars, which complicates and slows the boarding and exiting processes and makes it more difficult to make sure trains stopping at Mayfair do not block the nearby intersection with the UP Northwest Line. The new, extended platforms will be able to accommodate seven cars.
The extension of the platforms on both sides are being built first, and while that work is underway, trains will continue to stop at the existing platforms. When the extensions are done, trains will stop at the extensions while the old platforms are replaced. Train service will not be affected.
The work will also include new lighting and two new shelters.
The Mayfair Station is used by about 350 riders each weekday.